3 DIY Toys to Help Your Dog Stay Active

Regardless of their size and breed, all dogs require physical activity. 

Regular exercise reduces behavioral issues, like excessive barking and chewing everything you own! It likewise causes them to remain fit as they age as opposed to gaining weight and slowing down. If your furry friend tends to laze around and sleep all day, you can use toys and treats to encourage them to be active. 

Here are some simple and easy DIY toys you can make to keep your dog's heart pumping and allow them to enjoy their time indoors and outdoors.  

1. Sock n Ball

We're set to get the ball rolling with one of the cheapest and easiest pet toys you can make. As the name suggests, all you need is a sock and ball! 

Put a tennis ball into the toe-end of a long thick sock and then tie a knot just above the ball to make sure it stays in place when it’s thrown around. The sock provides extra grip on the ball, making it easier to carry around. 

For a more sturdy option, you could substitute the sock for some solid rope. Your dog will enjoy swinging and throwing it around for hours on end! 

2. T-Shirt Tug


Got tons of old t-shirts laying around the house? Let your dog enjoy his playtime with a DIY t-shirt tugger. 

All you need is an old T-shirt and a pair of scissors. Begin by laying your T-shirt on a flat surface and cutting the shirt straight across, you can then discard the neck and sleeves. With the remaining fabric, cut long one-inch sized strips; if you have a bigger dog, you might want wider strips. Take three strips together in a bundle and tie a knot at one end. 

Now, it's time to start braiding them and secure it with another knot at the other end. You can double or triple the number of strips to make a sturdier and thicker toy depending on how big your dog is. If your furry pal has difficulty grabbing the top, you can also tie a knot in the middle of the rope to make it easier to grab and hold onto. Your dog will enjoy games of tug of war and it’ll keep him active and running throughout the day!

3. Treat Twirler

Use up some dog treats to make a fun and easy toy for your furry friend. 

All you'll need is empty plastic water or milk container and a handful of their favorite tasty treats. Remove the cap of the bottle and slide in a few treats. 

The crackling noise of the bottle will keep them entertained and will urge them to play more. Eventually, the treats will fall out of the bottle, rewarding your dog after their time of play. You can add any goodies your furry friend enjoys, but make sure they’re small enough to easily fit through. 

Professional Dog Walking Service in Chicago!

Providing your dog with some enrichment doesn't require much time or effort. If you're in Chicago and are looking for any kind of dog services, our experts at Bark Industries have got you and your pets covered!  We offer all types of pet care services in Chicago, including pet taxidog walking, and dog sitting. If you need help taking care of your dog, give us a call right away!


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