Benefits of Daily Walks For Your Dog
Regular walks are very imperative to your dog’s health. Obesity in dogs is associated with a number of medical complaints such as osteoarthritis, cardiovascular disease, and liver disease. Just like humans, dogs need a sufficient amount of exercise.
Dogs should be walked at least once each day, though some dogs, particularly very active dogs, may require more. The breed, age, level of fitness, and diet will determine how long each walk should be.
There are not too many things that will excite a dog more than a walk. Dogs love to check out the sights and smells. Dogs are curious animals that love to observe and wander about. A dog that doesn't receive sufficient exercise can easily become bored or destructive which can lead to destroying home furniture, shoes, and heaven forbid, those expensive purses and high heels. Like the saying goes “A tired dog is a good dog”.
Life moves fast, we all have work, school, errands to run, and responsibilities to take care of. We may not always have the time to walk our cute and cuddly companions. Hiring a dog walker is a great solution to that. Dog walkers are inexpensive, have a great familiarity to pets, and generally have a vast knowledge about animals.
If you know that you will be out of the house for a while, hire a trusting dog walker with experience to accompany your dog for a nice, enjoyable, and adventurous walk. Trust me, your dog will thank you for it and so will your wallet for not having to replace the damaged furniture and shoes around the house.
Your friends at Bark Industries are always here for you and your pets. Our goal is to provide quality and professional service that are tailored to your pet’s needs. We offer a Free Meet and Greet along with a Free first time service. Give us a chance and set up your Free Meet and Greet