Pain Relievers and Alternatives for Cats

Warning: Don’t go looking for a pain killer in your medicine cabinet to treat your cat in pain — this could be toxic for your cat or result in other harmful side effects. Here’s why over the counter medications are harmful: 

Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatories or NSAIDs for Cats

Cats are usually extremely sensitive to NSAIDs — in fact, they’re two to five times more sensitive to the side effects of NSAIDs than dogs. However, some veterinarians prescribe aspirin or ibuprofen to treat certain conditions in cats with extreme caution because they fail to efficiently eliminate NSAIDs from their system as they lack the enzymes for metabolism. This may result in nephrotoxicity (or kidney damage), complications with hemostasis (blood clotting), or gastrointestinal damage (for example, ulcers). 

However, the FDA has approved using an oral NSAID called Onsior (robenacoxib), which may be used once a day (starting at the lowest dosage) for a maximum of three days. 

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Tylenol for Cats

Tylenol or acetaminophen is worse than NSAIDs and mustn’t be used on cats under any circumstances as it leads to fatalities. As much as one Tylenol tablet can damage the kidney, destroy the liver cells and tissues, and convert hemoglobin to methemoglobin, causing oxygen deficiency throughout the body.

What Do I Give My Cat For Pain?

Acute pain that lasts short-term can be treated with prescription opioid pain relievers called buprenorphine. However, all pain medications must initially be induced under the supervision of a veterinarian. Alternatively, it’s best to opt for therapy for pains associated with inflammation instead of traditional pain medications. For example, if your cat suffers from a degenerative joint disease or osteoarthritis, they will best respond to multimodal treatment. 

Alternatively, you’ll want to opt for a healthier diet to relieve your cat from chronic pain and inflammation. For example, overweight cats are likely to suffer from arthritis and inflammation —giving your cat controlled amounts of protein but with a reduced caloric density will help your cat lose weight while retaining strength and muscle mass. In addition, supplements with high omega-3 fatty acid levels can help reduce pain and inflammation related to stress on arthritic joints. 

You will want to work closely with your veterinarian to opt for reasonable pain relievers for your cat and monitor your cat throughout the process. Bark Industries is a pet care service for your furry friends in Lake View, Chicago. We’ll cat sit in the mornings, evenings, and weekends to provide your cats with cat services, including feeding, water, and litter care. You can also book puppy sitters and dog walkers through us and get the best dog walking Chicago for your dog!


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