Trending: CBD Oil for My Dog
Cannabidiol or CBD is a chemical derived from hemp or cannabis. CBD oil doesn't contain the psychoactive compound delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol or THC. For this reason, most CBD products are formulated using industrial hemp to create an intoxicating effect.
CBD Oil for Dogs
These cannabinoids are known to interact with the endocannabinoid receptors in the body's central and peripheral nervous system to help maintain balance and retain a healthy state. CBD oil gained popularity in the animal world as dog owners reported its effectiveness in controlling seizures and treating chronic pain (especially neuropathic pain). The anti-inflammatory, antianxiety, appetite stimulation, and anti-nauseous effects are properties associated with CBD.
Side Effects of CBD on Dogs
CBD oil mustn't contain THC as it's poisonous to dogs and can result in death, so you'll want to keep your edibles away. Moreover, high doses of oil can drop blood pressure temporarily, which results in light-headedness. It can decrease the production of saliva and treat anxiety, but it could also manifest increased thirst. The best way to minimize the side effects is to use the proper dosage. With the correct usage, you can treat seizures, pain, neoplasia, and other behavioral issues in dogs. It's particularly proven to be suitable on dogs who don't respond to traditional medications or conventional medications well due to the adverse side effects.
Types of CBD Products to Choose From
There are different variations of CBD contained products — treats can be infused with CBD, or you could make use of capsules containing CBD oil that can be hidden inside of a treat. However, the most effortless way of consumption is CBD oil or tinctures that can be mixed with the dog food or be dropped directly into their mouths — if your dog doesn't enjoy the taste of raw CBD, you can always pick out a flavored one.
When choosing a CBD product, you should ensure that the CBD is pure, high quality, and organic (i.e., it doesn't contain preservatives). It would be best if you also referred to the veterinarian before starting CBD products.
Welcome to Bark Industries — happiest dog walking Chicago and pet sitting service! We offer dog walking, puppy sitting, home pet sitting, and other pet care services in Lake View, Old Town, Lincoln Park, Bucktown, Roscoe Village, North Center, and Wrigleyville. Your four-legged furry friend is in for a treat with 20 minutes of walking or playing sessions per visit.
How about a Dog Pawty while you're at it? There are three packages to choose from to cherish your loyal friend. Book pet care services today!